Friday, August 6, 2010

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaack

Yes, that's right, after 9 months off I'm dusting off my knitting needles, figuratively speaking of course because I have not stopped knitting for the past 9 months, quite the contrary in fact, I've been knitting to my little hearts content.

It was great to have that time off to fill my children's wardrobes with Winter Woollies, but now I'm looking for a change again.

I've got new things in store for Loopy Lilly including some new licenses for non-nappy related knits like tunic dresses for example ;)



  1. Will love seeing how you do!

  2. Yay i have never been lucky enough to get my hands on any of your beautifully knitted items but i still hold out hope!!

  3. That is awesome! I also am very excited to maybe get my first loopy lilly creation!
